Years ago, we created a special program called The Greatest Journey to disciple children who receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. It has 12 colourful lessons translated into the local language to teach children about Jesus and how to share their faith with family and friends.
We praise God that millions of boys and girls have put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and through The Greatest Journey they continue to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).
Tiko was 8 years old when she received a shoebox gift from Operation Christmas Child. Afterward, she attended The Greatest Journey and accepted Jesus as her Saviour. Today, she is active on the worship team in her church, and for the last six years, she has been teaching The Greatest Journey classes.
Salome is another example of someone who knows firsthand how the program blesses children. She received a shoebox gift when she was 7 years old and recently joined our Operation Christmas Child team in eastern Europe. She explained why she feels so strongly about the project.
“It’s not the joy about the gifts in the box,” she said. “It’s the greater joy in giving the kids the opportunity to hear about Jesus.”
Each gift represents an opportunity to give children a tangible expression of God’s love and to share the Gospel with them. This is especially important because some of these boys and girls live in places where there are few, if any, believers and where the Name of Jesus is not widely known.
It’s a fun project, but the mission is urgent. You can get started today and spread the word in your church.
National Collection in Australia will be 14-26 October 2024, and in New Zealand 21-26 October.
August Newsletter Impact Stories

Hope in the Philippines
Two of our regional ministry leaders recently visited Lapu-Lapu City in the Philippines where God opened doors for them to bring gift-filled shoeboxes to children in desperate need.

Bringing Good News to Remote Island Nation
Hurricane Beryl devastated the Caribbean island of Carriacou in Grenada on 1 July. Samaritan’s Purse has long-standing partners in Grenada, and earlier this year Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes were distributed to boys and girls in Saint Andrew.

Making Disciples in Ghana
After receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox and graduating from The Greatest Journey, 11-year-old Epiphani is now sharing the Gospel with her community.