Meet Matilda Stevenson, a young girl from Harvey, Western Australia, whose heart for helping others has led her and her family on an ambitious mission. Every year, the Stevensons pack 20 to 30 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, carefully filling each one with gifts for children in need. But last year, Matilda felt they could do more. With a sense of purpose, she suggested a bold new goal: to pack 1,000 shoeboxes by the end of 2024.

At first, the logistics seemed overwhelming. Matilda and her family did the math and realised they’d need to pack around 20 shoeboxes every week to meet their goal. Unsure of how they’d gather that many boxes, Matilda and her mum reached out to their local shoe store, asking if they had any spare boxes. To their surprise, the store generously offered them 20 boxes each week—the exact number they needed to stay on track.

With the boxes sorted, the real work began. Matilda, her mum, and her eight siblings have been steadily packing ever since. Their home is often buzzing with activity as they gather toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for the shoeboxes.

Of course, it’s not without its challenges! Between school, church, and life with eight children, things can get a little chaotic. The youngest, who is only 2, has been known to “help” by unpacking the carefully packed boxes. But no matter the hiccups, Matilda keeps her eyes on the goal.

Her favourite saying is, “Mum, every box is one more child reached.” And that keeps the whole family motivated.

The Stevensons’ determination has caught the attention of their local community, with friends and neighbors stepping in to support their effort. What began as a personal family goal has become a shared project, with donations and encouragement coming from all sides.

If you’d like to follow their journey and offer support, you can follow with them on Facebook at Stevenson Sanctuary. As they work toward their 1,000 shoebox goal, they’re trusting that their small acts of kindness will reach children around the world.

Pack an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

Learn the simple steps on how you can help Samaritan’s Purse introduce more children to Jesus Christ by packing a gift-filled shoebox.