Every 24 Hours Operation Christmas Child Shares the Gospel With 29,021 Children

Every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace a future filled with hope. By supporting The Greatest Journey, you can make this a reality.

For just $10, you can enable a child to attend The Greatest Journey, a 12-lesson discipleship program following the receipt of an Operation Christmas Child gift-filled shoebox.

Your generous support of Operation Christmas Child’s The Greatest Journey 12-lesson discipleship program results in incredible changes every minute of every day. Here’s how your donations make a difference every 24 hours:

– 29,021 children hear the Gospel: Thousands of children are introduced to messages of hope and love daily.

– 14,001 children enrol in The Greatest Journey: Many children take their first steps in a structured discipleship program, exploring the teachings of Jesus.

– 9,979 children graduate from The Greatest Journey: These graduates build a stronger foundation of faith and understanding.

– 7,951 children accept Jesus into their lives: A significant number of children make a personal decision to follow Jesus.

– 7,748 children commit to praying and sharing the Gospel: Inspired by their learning, these young disciples are ready to share their faith with others.

Over half of children who attend make decisions for Christ!!

Every 24 Hours 29,021 Children Hear the Gospel

Your support creates a ripple effect that extends beyond individual lives to families and communities. The Greatest Journey equips children with the knowledge and faith to bring positive change to their surroundings.

Consider donating $10 to sponsor a child’s participation in The Greatest Journey. Your contribution can open doors to a future filled with hope and faith. Together, we can make a lasting impact, one child at a time.

Your $10 Donation gives a child

– 12 lessons of discipleship training.

– The Greatest Journey workbook.

– A beautifully illustrated children’s Bible.

– A graduation certificate.

– Training and resources for their teacher.