Food needs to be trucked in to help save lives in the Kordofan region.

Samaritan’s Purse is rushing food aid into southern Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of men, women, children, and newborns who have fled violent conflict in the north are now confronted with a faceless enemy: starvation.

Hundreds of Thousands Facing Starvation in Remote Sudan

The remote region of Kordofan, Sudan, has swelled in population since conflict broke out in the country a year ago. This deeply impoverished area saw an influx of 700,000 desperate people looking for refuge, amplifying the population’s already dire food situation.

To worsen the crisis, the most recent harvest of sorghum—the region’s staple—was devastated by drought and swarms of locusts, which eliminated 40 percent of their usual food supply. With nowhere to turn, people rummage the muddy ground and barren trees for seeds, weeds, branches, and leaves to consume.

Samaritan’s Purse is sending truckloads of food to the people of the Kordofan region in Jesus’ Name. The current convoy is carrying about 800 metric tons of food and could save nearly 30,000 lives.

Families are receiving a basket full of corn, oil, beans, and salt to sustain them for the next three months. Additionally, we are providing special nutrient-packed peanut paste for children, who suffer the most severe consequences of prolonged malnutrition.

As they face the lean season, these rations provided by Samaritan’s Purse will help save lives among this group of internally displaced people in the far reaches of Sudan.

However, Kordofan will soon be inaccessible as the rainy season intensifies and the dirt roads turn to swamps. In a matter of weeks, our truckloads will be unable to reach these anguishing people.

Please prayerfully consider supporting Samaritan’s Purse as we seek to help these desperate people in Sudan—time is of the essence. We need to keep sending in trucks with more food.

Jesus tells us to look after and comfort the “least of these” among us, including those who hunger and thirst. As we go in Jesus’ Name, pray for our staff on the ground, our local church partners, and all the people suffering in the Kordofan region.

Will You Feed a Family Today?

Please prayerfully consider supporting Samaritan’s Purse as we seek to help these desperate people in Sudan—time is of the essence. We need to keep sending in trucks with more food.

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