Beekeeping may not be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Samaritan’s Purse. To most people, we’re better known for our disaster responses and Operation Christmas Child project. But in places like Cambodia, the Lord is using our livelihood and livestock projects to provide income for desperately poor families, while demonstrating His love and building up the church.

Pastor Tith Hang and his family live in their church in their small Cambodian village because they cannot afford their own land. But through our beekeeping project, God has given Pastor Tith a glimpse of what it looks like to live in a place “flowing with milk and honey” (Joshua 5:6).

He is among 30 villagers who are participating in the program, which provides bees, equipment, and training for a successful hive. In just a few months, he was able to harvest and sell enough honey to earn school fees for his children in addition to covering the family’s basic needs.

Now Pastor Tith has become a leader in the program to mentor others in his community, and the Lord is using those relationships to enlarge and strengthen his church. He told us that when his neighbours ask about our name, it opens the door for him to share the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10. By sacrificing his time to help his neighbours earn a living with their honey, he is partnering with us to work in Jesus’ Name, helping families provide for themselves, and ministering to souls who have eternal needs.

As our teams work—whether in the midst of disaster or through our other projects—people often ask “Why did you come?” Like Pastor Tith, our answer is always the same: “We have come to help in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” “But in your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).

We are grateful for the opportunities God gives us to demonstrate the love of Christ in practical ways and share the hope we have in Him. On behalf of those around the world whose lives have been transformed for now and for eternity, we thank you for your support. We would be grateful for your continued prayers.

May God bless you.

Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan’s Purse

July Newsletter Impact Stories

A Life Filled with Possibilities

Phally worked tirelessly as a day labourer but still couldn’t provide for her seven. Her daughters had to quit school to go to work. Their dreams of a better life were fading away.

Mushrooms Bring Income for Struggling Family

San and her husband worked hard as construction day labourers, yet their income was barely enough to meet basic needs and feed their five children.

Investing in Their Future

In 2022 Judge from Mongolia lost his 145 animals during a snow disaster. The loss of livestock resulted in his family of six losing their income.

Help Support Livelihood Projects

Donate to our livelihoods programs that provide training and resources to families in rural communities, with the aim of generating income for a self-sufficient future.