Dear Friends of Samaritan’s Purse Australia
Greetings of the Christmas season of 2023! It is almost ten months since I have taken up this role in Australia, after working with Samaritan’s Purse for some years in South Sudan. I am so encouraged by the commitment of our office team but overwhelmed by the passion and commitment I see in the volunteers who are the hands and feet, “Helping in Jesus’ Name”.
Samaritan’s Purse Australia provides many meaningful opportunities for those who partner with us to offer hope that finds its meaning at Christmas.
This year, Australian DART members responded to earthquake victims, cared for Armenian refugees, and assisted cyclone victims in Mexico. They also provided care and support to refugees from Ukraine and those suffering from serious conflict in other locations. Our Australian Disaster Relief responders went to stand with those who, after twelve long months, are still not back in their homes in Lismore, far north of New South Wales, and in Rochester, near Echuca in Victoria. Our committed teams worked with local churches and communities, assisting the vulnerable to move back into their homes and providing encouragement and care. We also resourced churches and communities in New Zealand to care for those devastated by floods and cyclones early in 2023. Our Operation Christmas Child team, with hundreds of committed volunteers, packed almost 220,000 boxes to be sent to bless children in countries beyond our borders.
In September, I visited Cambodia with some of our partners who have committed to supporting our education projects. We saw how our investment in school infrastructure and classroom construction, underpinned with professional training for teachers and communities, is paying dividends in the lives of children who can now go on to complete a quality education. Churches and local officials welcomed our visit and expressed their joy that Samaritan’s Purse was partnering with them.
We hope 2024 will see more people join us to express their joy in the meaning of Christmas.
There are opportunities for people of many/any backgrounds and skills. Pack an OCC shoebox; lead a team enabling us to reach more children with the message of Christmas; assist a victim of bushfire or flood; join an international team responding to disaster or conflict; or invest in our projects that transform communities.
Find out more about how you might become a part of this by visiting
We wish you a wonderful Christmas with your families and community.

Mark Bennett
Executive Director
Samaritan’s Purse Australia/New Zealand