During times of crisis, Samaritan’s Purse works alongside churches to bring hope to their local community. The local church has an important role to play following a disaster, and we aim to equip churches with the resources to feel empowered to participate in meeting the needs of hurting people around them. Your church can become a host church and serve as the base of operations for our disaster relief team during a disaster response. Hosting can include providing meals, billeting, laundry, and other hospitality support for our hard-working volunteers. Together, we help communities move towards long-term recovery after a crisis is over, while sharing God’s love through acts of kindness.


Church Partnership with Samaritan’s Purse

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Sharing Hope in Crisis

Samaritan’s Purse also partners with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Rapid Response Team to deploy crisis-trained chaplains alongside our disaster relief volunteers. As well as providing emotional and spiritual support to disaster victims, the chaplains offer a free ‘Sharing Hope in Crisis’ seminar to churches interested in learning how to better communicate with those hurting during a crisis.

Stories from the Field